1-5 CCCAB 6-10 BBAAB 11-15 BCABC 16-20 AACBB
21-25 CCABA 26-30 CDDBC 31-35 ABCCA 36-40 GDFEB
41-45 BADAC 46-50 DCADB 51-55 ACCDD 56-60 ABBDA
61-70 (One possible version)
61. celebrations 62. standing 63. called 64. energetically
65. is 66. to recover 67. when 68. a
69. as 70. professional
短文改錯(One possible version)
During my summer vacation last year, I take part in some social activities. With the help of my English
teacher, I eventual got a part-time job in the city library — four mornings a week. I sometimes worked
overtime because of there were too many readers. It was a temporarily job and I only had a two-month
刪除 temporary
agreement with ∧ library. The working hours suited I as I just had a two-month vacation. I didn’t
the me
earn a big salary, and I enjoyed the atmosphere there. That I liked most about my job was working in
but/yet What
complete silent! I could hear only the sound of people turn pages and whispering.
silence turning
書面表達 (One possible version)
Dear Fred,
An exhibition about European Renaissance will be held in the city history museum next week, and I’m writing to ask if you want to go with me.
The exhibition is scheduled to take place in the exhibition hall from 9 am on Monday to 5 pm on Wednesday. Many works created during this period are said to be shown, including scientific inventions, pictures, poems and so on. In addition, it is reported that there will also be a performance of Dante’s Divine Comedy.
I can’t wait to go there. If you are interested in it, please let me know.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
備案號:鄂ICP備17009702號-1 聯系方式:2645034912@qq.com