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總分:150分  考試時間:120分鐘nyp答案圈


1. 答卷前,考生務(wù)必將自己的姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號填寫在答題卡上。nyp答案圈

2. 回答選擇題時,選出每小題答案后,用鉛筆把答題卡上對應(yīng)項目的答案標(biāo)號涂黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案標(biāo)號?;卮鸱沁x擇題時,將答案寫在答題卡上,寫在本試卷上無效。nyp答案圈

第一部分  聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)nyp答案圈



1. What will the man do this afternoon?nyp答案圈

A. Head for the hospital. B. Go swimming.    C. Fix the air conditioner.nyp答案圈

2. Where are the speakers?nyp答案圈

A. At a zoo.                                   B. In the street.              C. At a museum.nyp答案圈

3. What does the woman expect the man to do?nyp答案圈

A. Design a coat for her. B. Draw some pictures.                                                C. Make a piece of clothing.nyp答案圈

4. What is the relationship between Sam and Linda?nyp答案圈

A. Friends.                                   B. A couple.                 C. Co-workers.nyp答案圈

5. Why does the woman make the call?nyp答案圈

A. To talk about a contract.nyp答案圈

B. To extend an invitation.nyp答案圈

C. To make an apology.nyp答案圈




6. When will the man graduate from college?nyp答案圈

A. In about one month.nyp答案圈

B. In about half a year.nyp答案圈

C. In about one year.nyp答案圈

7. How does the woman sound in the end?nyp答案圈

A. Encouraging. B. Thankful.              C. Worried.nyp答案圈


8. What does the woman suggest doing first at the party?nyp答案圈

A. Singing songs.nyp答案圈

B. Enjoying a movie.nyp答案圈

C. Playing some games.?nyp答案圈

9. Who will help the woman with the decoration?nyp答案圈

A. Richard. B. Anna.                     C. Frank.nyp答案圈

10. What is the woman going to do next?nyp答案圈

A. Eat some food.nyp答案圈

B. Go to the supermarket.nyp答案圈

C. Speak with her neighbors.nyp答案圈


11. What is the weather like now?nyp答案圈

A. Sunny. B. Rainy.          C. Cloudy.nyp答案圈

12. How old is the man?nyp答案圈

A.65 years old. B.66 years old.       C.67 years old.nyp答案圈

13. What does the woman usually do?nyp答案圈

A. Visit a park. B. Walk her dog.     C. Go running.nyp答案圈


14. What did Mia do yesterday?nyp答案圈

A. She built a snowman.nyp答案圈

B. She went hiking.nyp答案圈

C. She made soup.nyp答案圈

15. What is Mia likely to do right after she returns home?nyp答案圈

A. Watch TV.nyp答案圈

B. Send a message.nyp答案圈

C. Roast a chicken.nyp答案圈

16. How did Bob get the sweater?nyp答案圈

A. His mother made it for him.nyp答案圈

B. His brother gave it to him.nyp答案圈

C. He bought it online.nyp答案圈

17. What does Bob want Mia to do?nyp答案圈

A. Try some cookies.nyp答案圈

B. Listen to music.nyp答案圈

C. Go to his house.nyp答案圈


18. Why did the speaker's father decide to stop helping him eat?nyp答案圈

A. To give him a sense of accomplishment.nyp答案圈

B. To correct his bad habit.nyp答案圈

C. To push him to be independent.nyp答案圈

19. How did the speaker feel about his life in Georgia before getting into sports?nyp答案圈

A. Depressed. B. Relaxed.                                                                          C. Hopeful.nyp答案圈

20. At what age did the speaker have his first real achievement?nyp答案圈

A.10. B.11.                                                                            C.12.?nyp答案圈

第二部分  閱讀 (共兩節(jié),滿分42.5分)nyp答案圈




Four of the World’s Natural Disastersnyp答案圈

The following four natural disasters destroyed cities and communities around the world. By flood, typhoon, or earthquake, these events have collectively taken millions of human lives.nyp答案圈

Yangtze River Floodnyp答案圈

The major flood of 1931 covered tens of thousands of square miles. flooding rice fields and many cities, including Nanjing and Wuhan. The flood influenced more than 50 million people. Government organizations, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, estimated (估計)that about 3.7 million people died in this disaster.nyp答案圈

Typhoon Ninanyp答案圈

Typhoon Nina struck Henan province of China in August 1975. The typhoon caused a serious dam (水壩) failure, and more than 150,000 people were dead or injured. According to reports, at least 26,000 people died in the floods. About 145,000 people died from diseases caused by water pollution and famine (饑荒). The number of people influenced by the disaster was more than 10,000,000.nyp答案圈

Kashmir Earthquakenyp答案圈

On October 8, 2005, a disastrous earthquake struck the Kashmir region. The earthquake measured 7.6, followed by many aftershocks, and slides, and falling rocks. The seriousness of the damage and the high number of deaths were worsened by poor construction (建筑). In Kashmir at least 79,000 people were killed, and more than 32,000 buildings broke down.nyp答案圈

Haitian Earthquakenyp答案圈

At the beginning of 2010, an earthquake hit Haiti. The earthquake measured 7.0 and was followed by aftershocks that measured 5.9 and 5.5. Another aftershock that measured 5.9 struck on January 20. There has been arguments about the total number of deaths caused by this earthquake, but estimates suggest that about 200,000-300,000 people died. Hundreds of thousands more were forced to leave their homes.nyp答案圈

21. Which natural disaster caused the most deaths?nyp答案圈

A. Yangtze River Flood. B. Typhoon Nina.nyp答案圈

C. Kashmir Earthquake. D. Haitian Earthquake.nyp答案圈

22. What made the situation in Kashmir more serious?nyp答案圈

A. The serious aftershocks.B. The diseases after earthquake.nyp答案圈

C. The continuous falling rocks. D. The low construction quality.nyp答案圈

23. What can we learn about the earthquake that hit Haiti?nyp答案圈

A. It had many secondary disasters. B. It happened in the hottest season.nyp答案圈

C. It had an arguable death number.D. It happened only once and for all.nyp答案圈


Finding moon's watery secretsnyp答案圈

How much water is there on the moon? This is a question scientists have tried to answer for decades. Scientists from China and the UK have now discovered that the moon may have water "reservoirs (水庫)", according to a recent paper.nyp答案圈

Over billions of years, space rocks have hit the surface of the moon, causing the soil to melt (融化) and be ejected (噴射)into space. It is then cooled down and falls back to the lunar surface, forming beads (珠子)of glass.nyp答案圈

The Chang'e 5 probe, which returned to Earth on Dec 17, 2020, brought back a total of 1,731 grams of rocks and soil from the lunar surface, including glass beads, reported Xinhua.nyp答案圈

The international research team looked into the 32 glass beads from the sample. They found that about one ton of glass beads may contain 0.5 kilograms of water. "This ‘water' wasn’t a liquid but instead took the form of hydrogen(氫氣)contained in the glass beads, which can easily be [turned] into the water we can use, " Hui Hejiu, one of the study authors, told Science and Technology Daily. Researchers estimated that the water contained in the glass beads could amount to as much as 270 trillion (萬億)kilograms.nyp答案圈

The solar wind, which is streams of particles (粒子)released from the sun, could be the origin of the water in the beads, according to the study. The glass beads have lots of holes inside to catch hydrogen from the wind. If the water in the beads is easy to get, it will be a "really big deal" for space exploration, Phil Bland, an expert in Australia, told ABC News. Currently, water used by astronauts during their long stays in space stations is recycled, according to the China Manned Space website. The amount of urine (尿液) produced and water used by an astronaut per day is about 2 kilograms. The liquids are collected and purified (凈化), and then provided to astronauts to drink. With this new finding, human settlements on the moon could have a stable (穩(wěn)定的)water source in the future.nyp答案圈

24. What did the scientists from China and the UK discover on the moon?nyp答案圈

A. Billions of glass beads under the surface.nyp答案圈

B. Glass beads that may contain water.nyp答案圈

C. A liquid water reservoir ready to be used.nyp答案圈

D. The location of space rocks that had landed over billions of years.nyp答案圈

25. What is believed to be the source of the water found in the glass beads on the moon?nyp答案圈

A. The solar wind.nyp答案圈

B. The lunar atmosphere.nyp答案圈

C. The melting of ice on the lunar surface.nyp答案圈

D. The impacts of space rocks on the lunar surface.nyp答案圈

26. What is the current method for getting water for astronauts in space?nyp答案圈

A. By melting the ice from space rocks.nyp答案圈

B. By taking water from solar wind.nyp答案圈

C. By taking water out of the lunar soil.nyp答案圈

D. By purifying urine and water used by astronauts.nyp答案圈

27. Why is the discovery significant for space exploration?nyp答案圈

A. It could help to find life on the moon.nyp答案圈

B. It could be used to grow plants in space.nyp答案圈

C. It could provide a stable water source for astronauts.nyp答案圈

D. It could improve the efficiency of recycling water in space.nyp答案圈


Although it is known that parents control the dietary choices of their children during early childhood, the increasing independence during adolescence (青春期)brings with it more freedom when it comes to food choices. This time-of life also brings great physical and emotional (情緒化的) changes in young people, which are often related to an increase in comfort eating, or eating as a means to reduce stress.nyp答案圈

A recent study surveyed how different feeding practices used by parents influence the emotional eating behaviors of adolescents.nyp答案圈

The original study was carried out in 2017 with 218 families. Additionally, data (數(shù)據(jù))collected in 2013 were also used. One parent from each family completed the Child Feeding Questionnaire, as well as the Child Feeding Practices Questionnaire, and both the adolescent and parent completed the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. The adolescent’s body weight and height were measured by researchers. The four years from 2013 to 2017 covered the period from late childhood to mid-adolescence.nyp答案圈

The researchers found that parents' practices of using food as a reward and monitoring food increased emotional eating in adolescents. Child involvement (參與)in meals had an opposite effect since it was linked with higher levels of emotion regulation and lower levels of emotional eating. Interestingly, a parent's restrained (克制的) eating behavior was linked to less emotional eating in adolescents.nyp答案圈

"This study suggests that parents continue to play an important role in their child’s eating behavior into their teen years," said lead author Joanna Klosowska. "Additional research is needed to understand the impact that restrained eating shown by a parent has on the emotional eating of a child."nyp答案圈

28. What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 1 refer to?nyp答案圈

A. Parents’eating behavior.nyp答案圈

B. The dietary choice of parents.nyp答案圈

C. The way children reduce stress.nyp答案圈

D. Children's growing independence.nyp答案圈

29. What did the researchers do in the study?nyp答案圈

A. They studied the weight and height of the parents.nyp答案圈

B. They surveyed the eating behaviors of the adolescents.nyp答案圈

C. They interviewed the parents about their emotional health.nyp答案圈

D. They tested-the parents’ knowledge of their children's care needs.nyp答案圈

30. What did the study find?nyp答案圈

A. Parents rarely involve their children in meal preparation.nyp答案圈

B. Emotional eating in adolescents is influenced by their parents.nyp答案圈

C. Parents on a restrained diet have a bad influence on their children.nyp答案圈

D. Using food as a reward can help children develop good eating habits.nyp答案圈

31. What is the focus of future research according to Joanna Klosowska?nyp答案圈

A. Typical eating behaviors in young children.nyp答案圈

B. Factors that influence parents' food choices.nyp答案圈

C. How emotional eating impacts the health of adolescents.nyp答案圈

D. How parents' restrained eating influences children's emotional eating.nyp答案圈


The Australian National University(ANU)and an Australian start-up, Lunaria One, are teaming up to grow plants on the moon together, as early as 2025. Lunaria One's ALEPH project is an early step toward growing plants for food, medicine and oxygen production. However, the problem is that the moon is like a desert (沙漠). There's no life there, only dust, rocks and water.nyp答案圈

"Space provides a unique opportunity to study how to grow plants in extreme environments, "said ANU Associate Professor Caitlin Byrt. "The extreme conditions that the Earth is facing because of climate change present challenges for how we manage food security in the future. Having controlled environments can create the ability to rapidly grow plants after natural disasters or events caused by climate change. So this project is important. If you can create a system for growing plants on the moon, then you can create a system for growing food in some of the most challenging environments on Earth."nyp答案圈

As to what plants to be grown on the moon researchers are still deciding, but one of the front runners under consideration is Tripogon loliiformis, a kind of Australian native (本土的) grass that can live in extreme conditions and survive for months without water. According to a plant biologist, even after losing more than 95 per cent of its relative water content, the dead-looking grass remains alive and continues to grow when provided with water. Whatever plants are selected, they will be transported to the moon in a dry and sleeping state and will come to life upon watering.nyp答案圈

The ship will take off in 2025. Upon arrival, pictures and videos will be sent back to Earth over a 72-hour period and will be publicly accessible (可得到的)."The ALEPH project aims to make the science and engineering behind growing life on the moon open to people. And we hope to get everyone involved (參與的) and listen to their opinions. If you’re interested in the project, you can get all the necessary information from our website," said Lauren Fell, the director of Lunaria One.nyp答案圈

32. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?nyp答案圈

A. The methods of growing plants in space.nyp答案圈

B. The value of growing plants on the moon.nyp答案圈

C. The challenges of growing plants after disasters.nyp答案圈

D. The need to grow food for a growing population.nyp答案圈

33. Why is Tripogon loliiformis being considered for the project?nyp答案圈

A. It can live with little water.nyp答案圈

B. It can produce young plants fast.nyp答案圈

C. It is the most common grass in Australia.nyp答案圈

D. It can naturally wake up from a sleeping state.nyp答案圈

34. What is Lauren Fell's attitude towards the public joining the project?nyp答案圈

A. Worried. B. Shocked.nyp答案圈

C. Negative. D. Supportive.nyp答案圈

35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?nyp答案圈

A. Plants are on the moon for the first timenyp答案圈

B. How to care for plants in extreme environments?nyp答案圈

C. A space project aims to grow plants on the moonnyp答案圈

D. Why can this Australian native grass grow in space?nyp答案圈

第二節(jié)  (共5小題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分)nyp答案圈


When friendships fall apart, it can feel like it’s impossible to restore them. 36.________. However, some can be saved. If you’d like to restart a long-lost friendship, here is a four-step plan.nyp答案圈


Start by calling or writing a note to communicate one message: "Our friendship is valuable to me, and I miss you. Is there any way to settle what stands between us?" This simple step is a way to open the doors to reconciliation (和解). Set the ground to see if your friend is willing to seek solutions as well.nyp答案圈

Forgive(原諒)as best you cannyp答案圈

It's tough to let go if you've been wronged. Feeling the need for revenge(報復(fù))is natural. However, the problem with revenge is that it could become a vicious cycle (惡性循環(huán)). How can you stop this? By forgiving. Forgiveness puts an end to all. 38. _______. Keep this in mind, and you will be well on your way to forgiveness.nyp答案圈

Find out the problemnyp答案圈

Finding out what went wrong is very important. Don't pretend there is no problem.nyp答案圈

39. _______. If a friendship can't survive such a conversation, that may be a sign it ought to end.nyp答案圈

Rebuild respectnyp答案圈

The final step is to rebuild respect. 40. _______. Highlight those you like best about them. Next, you need to admit your mistake. Take ownership, and ask for forgiveness. If you do this, then mutual respect is almost certain.nyp答案圈

A. Offer a sincere apologynyp答案圈

B. Make meaningful contactnyp答案圈

C. Get to the bottom of it together and move forwardnyp答案圈

D. Some broken friendships may just stay that waynyp答案圈

E. If you've been hurt, think about your friend's most admirable qualitiesnyp答案圈

F. Restored relationships give us perspective on our experiences, and deepen our livesnyp答案圈

G. The problems that cause the breakdown of a friendship are not one person's responsibilitynyp答案圈

第三部分 語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)nyp答案圈

第一節(jié) 完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈


Growing up in a fishing village of Sri Lanka, Shamali Sanjaya would watch in admiration as men rode ___41___. In Sri Lanka society, only men were ___42___ to surf in Arugam Bay and the place for ___43___ was at home.nyp答案圈

In 2011, Tiffany Carothers, a surfing enthusiast (愛好者), asked Sanjaya if she wanted to __44__ to surf.nyp答案圈

Once she had a taste for it, Sanjaya could not be ___45___ ."I am so appy,"she said. "Life is full of ___46____ , but as soon as I get into the water, I____47____ all of them."nyp答案圈

Yet she ____48____ strong disapproval (反對), particularly from her brother, who stuck to the ____49____ idea. After that, she went surfing ___50____ , rushing to the beach when her brother was not around.nyp答案圈

In 2015, Carothers organized an event to teach more women to surf. But as local disapproval began to spread, Carothers was called up by the Sri Lanka tourist board. "They said I was changing the ____51___," she said.nyp答案圈

Finally in 2017, after the Surfing Federation of Sri Lanka was set up, there was a(n) ____52____ for their own official female surf club and in 2018 Arugam Bay Girls Surf Club was born. They now have more than ten key members.nyp答案圈

"They’re a(n) ____53_____ to other women in the country, ____54____ that the impossible is possible and no matter how many difficulties come up, they can achieve their dreams for women's ___55____ ,"says Carothers.nyp答案圈

41. A. buses B. horses                                         C. bikes                                         D. wavesnyp答案圈

42. A. asked B. allowed                                         C. advised                                         D. encouragednyp答案圈

43. A. women B. children                                         C. students                                         D. seniorsnyp答案圈

44. A. arrange B. volunteer                                         C. learn                                         D. continuenyp答案圈

45. A. protected B. contacted                                         C. praised                                         D. stoppednyp答案圈

46. A. worries B. colours                                         C. puzzles                                         D. possibilitiesnyp答案圈

47. A. achieve B. forget                                         C. keep                                         D. attractnyp答案圈

48. A. faced B. marked                                         C. remembered                                         D. solvednyp答案圈

49. A. romantic B. valuable                                         C. traditional                                         D. basicnyp答案圈

50. A. quickly B. secretly                                         C. angrily                                         D. naturallynyp答案圈

51. A. subject B. path                                         C. progress                                         D. culturenyp答案圈

52. A. opportunity B. excuse                                         C. ability                                         D. questionnyp答案圈

53. A. danger B. example                                         C. advantage                                         D. connectionnyp答案圈

54. A. meaning B. explaining                                         C. proving                                         D. imaginingnyp答案圈

55. A. work B. education                                          C. health                                         D. equalitynyp答案圈

第二節(jié) 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈


In much of Africa, traditional radio sets 56.______________(use) widely. Radios are more popular 57.___________ smart phones and computers because the Internet service is not always available (可利用的) in many places in Africa.nyp答案圈

Afrobarometer is a research group based in Accra, Ghana. It found radio is the most common way of 58.______________(get)news in Africa. About 68 percent of respondents (調(diào)查對象) said they listened at least a few times a week, compared to about 40 percent of respondents?59. ______ use social media (社交媒體) and the Internet. Traditional radio sets are easier and less 60.________ (cost) to use in comparison to the Internet service. Many small radio sets now come with solar cells that allow people 61._________(listen) to the radio even when they do not have electricity. John Masuku has been 62. ______________ radio host for 50 years. He said many people trust information from 63.___________(they)radio sets over other sources (來源)."There is a lot of disinformation an misinformation so people still want to check … If it is not said on the 64._____________(usual) not true. That's the reason for the 65.___________________(popular) of radio in Africa," he said.nyp答案圈

第四部分 基礎(chǔ)知識(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)nyp答案圈

第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)nyp答案圈

1.     Senior high school will help you learn and grow, yet you alone are responsible for realizing your great p________.nyp答案圈

2.     Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be i______________ of your parents' help.nyp答案圈

3.     His p________ that the system should be changed was rejected.nyp答案圈

4.     In my opinion, what matters is whether we can win together as a team instead of i__________.nyp答案圈

5.     I would appreciate it if you could take my invitation into a_______________.nyp答案圈

6.  It is beyond_____________(爭論)that having a healthy balanced diet is good for teenagers.nyp答案圈

7.  The criminal had been ______(射擊) in the leg while trying to escape.nyp答案圈

8.  The schools were ______(評估) according to their exam results.nyp答案圈

9.  The more time, energy and money you spend __________(獲得) relevant knowledge, the more control you will have over your life.nyp答案圈

10.  It’s reported that the _________ settlers (原居民) there were Indians.nyp答案圈

第二節(jié) 完成句子(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈

1. 當(dāng)你們迎接挑戰(zhàn)的時候,你們將有機會獲得豐富的知識、享受個人成長。nyp答案圈

When you ______ ______the challenges, you will have the opportunity to ______ ______ ______ and enjoy _______ growth.nyp答案圈

2. _______ _______ _________ _________(要想全面發(fā)揮自己的潛能), it is important for you to make the most of our school resources.nyp答案圈

3._______ ________ ___________ (同樣重要的) are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.nyp答案圈

4. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I couldn’t _______ _______ ___________(做出很大的貢獻)because sometimes I wasn’t able to express myself clearly in English.nyp答案圈

5. Teenagers’ physical changes may ________ ______(導(dǎo)致) such family tensions.nyp答案圈

6. After you have ______ _______ ________(充分考慮), explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully, and address their concerns.nyp答案圈

7. Teenagers are _______ ________ (在壓力下) because their parents are always _________ _______(不滿意的) their grades.nyp答案圈

8. _______ ______ ________ __________(毫無意義) in comparing you with others all the time.nyp答案圈

9. Although your parents are tough on you,it doesn’t mean you _______ _______ _____ _______(在……中扮演被動的角色)the relationship with your parents.nyp答案圈

10.  _____ _____ ______(無論如何), find an opportunity to ______ _______ ________ ________ ________(進行深入坦誠的交流) with her.nyp答案圈

第四部分 應(yīng)用文寫作(滿分15分)nyp答案圈

假定你是李華,你的美國筆友 Lisa寫信告訴你,升入高中后,由于學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)繁重,她的父母不同意她繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)跳舞。對此,她非??鄲?,希望你能給她一些建議。請你根據(jù)以下提示寫一封回信:nyp答案圈







Dear Lisa,nyp答案圈



Li Hunyp答案圈


第一部分 聽力(共兩節(jié),滿分30 分)nyp答案圈

1—5 ABCBA 6—10 BAABC      11—15 ABCCB       16—20 ACCABnyp答案圈

第二部分 閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分50 分)nyp答案圈

第一節(jié) (共15題;每小題2.5分,滿分37.5分)nyp答案圈

21—23ADC24—27 BADC       28—31 DBDD            32—35 BADCnyp答案圈

第二節(jié) (共5題;每小題2.5分,滿分12.5分)nyp答案圈

36—40 DBGCEnyp答案圈

第三部分 語言運用(共兩節(jié),滿分37.5分)nyp答案圈

第一節(jié) 完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈

41—45 DBACD 46—50 ABACB       51—55 DABCDnyp答案圈

第二節(jié) 語法填空(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈

56. are used。根據(jù)下文內(nèi)容可知,此處應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時; use 和 traditional radio sets之間是動賓關(guān)系,故用被動語態(tài);且主語為 radio sets,故填 are used。nyp答案圈

57. than。根據(jù)句意可知,空前的 more 有比較含義,故填than。nyp答案圈

58. getting。介詞of 后跟 V-ing 形式。nyp答案圈

59. who/that。此處考查定語從句,先行項為 about 40 percent of respondents. 從句中缺主語,故填who/ that。nyp答案圈

60. costly。此處應(yīng)填cost的形容詞形式costly作表語。nyp答案圈

61. to listen。allow sb to do sth 使某人能夠做某事。nyp答案圈

62. a。此處為不定冠詞表泛指,且 radio以輔音音素開頭,故填a。nyp答案圈

63. their。根據(jù)空后的 radio sets 可知,此處應(yīng)填形容詞性物主代詞。nyp答案圈

64. usually。此處應(yīng)填usual 的副詞形式 usually 作狀語。nyp答案圈

65. popularity。根據(jù)空前的 the 和空后的 of 可知,本空應(yīng)填名詞 popularity。nyp答案圈

第四部分 基礎(chǔ)知識(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)nyp答案圈

第一節(jié) 單詞拼寫(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)nyp答案圈

1. potential 2. independent     3.proposal    4. individuals     5. accountnyp答案圈

6. argument 7. shot        8.rated         9. acquiring  10. originalnyp答案圈

第二節(jié) 完成句子(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)nyp答案圈

1. rise to, acquire great knowledge, personal 2. To fully realize your potentialnyp答案圈

3. Of equal importance 4. make great contributions5. lead to/result in/contribute tonyp答案圈

6. thought it through 7. under stress    dissatisfied with       8. There is no point/sensenyp答案圈

9. take/play a passive role in 10.  In any case   have a full and frank talknyp答案圈

第五部分 應(yīng)用文寫作(滿分15分)nyp答案圈

Dear Lisa,nyp答案圈

I do understand how you feel. Don't be too upset. Here are a tew suggestions.nyp答案圈

First, communicate your needs and wants to your parents. Tell them why you want to keep dancing and how it's good for you. Second, show your parents you are capable of keeping a balance between study and your hobby. Manage your time well and let your parents see that they don't have to worry about your study.nyp答案圈

I hope you will find these suggestions useful.nyp答案圈


Li Huinyp答案圈






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