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時(shí)間:2023-11-29 15:51:22


I'd been waitressing for months, earning extra money for college."Since it's not too busy, go and see if Ray wants any more coffee,"my boss said to me as he pointed to an older man sitting in the corner.D1k答案圈

Ray was holding the cup in his hand as he stared out of the window. He was a regular Iunch customer on Mondays and Fridays.D1k答案圈

"Can I refill the cup for you,Ray?”I asked. He looked up with a peaceful smile and held his cup out toward me.“You know, I've been coming here for several years, and I have to say you have the nicest smile,”he whispered. "Can you sit for minutes,please?”D1k答案圈

I sat down and he smiled,“Your smile reminds me of my granddaughter, Sharon.”He took out a picture of her from his wallet and handed it to me."She graduated from college last year.”D1k答案圈

“What a nice-looking girl!”I said."Does she live near you?"D1k答案圈

Ray shook his head as he put the picture back in his wallet. "She moved to California last year. I miss her a lot. She and I used to have lunch together on Mondays and Fridays," he said. "She now wants me to move out there to be closer to her.”D1k答案圈

"So, why don't you?”D1k答案圈

"I don't know if I really want to move. I've been here all my life,” he answered.D1k答案圈

I heard my boss calling me."“I guess that's meant for me,”I said as I stood up.D1k答案圈

We smiled at each other."Ray..if my grandfather had been like you, I'd have asked him day and night to move closer to me, too.”I patted his shoulder. "Don't wait too long. Nice talking with you...”D1k答案圈

For the next couple of weeks, Ray continued to come on Mondays and Fridays. But on that Monday of Thanksgiving week, he didn't show up.Then one Wednesday afternoon, walking out to my car after work,I heard a voice call my name from across the parking lot.D1k答案圈

第一段It was Ray, hurrying to catch up to me.D1k答案圈

第二段"Have you made up your mind to move?" I asked.D1k答案圈



It was Ray, hurrying to catch up to me. He appeared slightly out of breath as he approached me. "Greetings, my dear," he said with a warm smile. "I have some exciting news to share with you." I could see the happiness in his eyes and felt curious about what had happened. "Well, Sharon is coming! Just as you said, she's been very persistent in her efforts to convince me of living closer to her." he revealed, his voice filled with excitement. "I also realized that life is too short to waste time being apart from the people we love, so I decided to take the leap."(98詞)D1k答案圈

"Have you made up your mind to move?" I asked. "Yes," he confirmed, nodding his head. "I'm going to miss this place and all the memories here, but I'm also looking forward to creating new ones with Sharon." We continued walking towards my car, chatting about his upcoming journey and the adventures that awaited him in California. As we reached my car, Ray gave me a heartfelt hug and thanked me for our conversations over the past few weeks. With a final wave, he turned and walked away, leaving me with a sense of joy and fulfillment for having played a small part in his decision."(96詞)D1k答案圈



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